It was started last night, I slept early at 7 and waking up at 10 from a sudden call
Skip this part already.
So then the fuss in my timeline on this thing:
In the morning, rejection came not as big as what I felt last night and continue until right now. So at first, my apologize IF my writing is that offensive, or you may think I am that conservative. But I am simply giving my thought. You are might thinking that at some point you are right, and the actual truth, is vice versa. Because I know we are all worshiping freedom and humanity right now. And I know there is no the rightest parameter to decide the rightest and the wrongest. So, I simply want we all blend, when you have already spoken what you think is right, and that is your right as human, so am I now.

I personally and sincerely think that the tagline of "against homophobia" is okay. What kind of human are we if we fear each other, insult each other, and marginalize each other? Yesterday morning all are pretty fine when my timeline is simply telling that they have family, friends, relatives, etc who are LGBTs. And they respect them. I have mine, too. And I am pretty get along nice with them. But then, my mind cannot goes along well when suddenly, the "celebration day" came up with some people, having their own kultwit, philosophically-approaching, saying that Homosexuality is okay, and not a disorder.
Hey, is the essence of the day has quite much dragged along?
I think the day is all about how we should respect all kind of people. Because people do really are not defined by anything they choose. But, the problem here is how I see at certain thing.
I might be conservative. Too way conservative in some values that I still uphold. I might not that acknowledged. But I believe all of you have mind, which is exactly consisted of some essence; logic, heart, humanity, value, and faith. What I will say might call another mind which can be smooth or pretty judgemental. But whatever it is, I appreciate that.
Homosexuality is not okay for me, personally. I am still thinking that it is called as Sexual "Disorientation" for reason. And status quo that we call people as "Straight" not "non gay" are happening for reason. That we, as human, intentionally or not, still naturally believe that a true nature is coming from heterosexuality.
Why naturally? And why is it a disorder? We do have a nature as human. And I still hold to that value which is unbargainable. Because of some point, we, as humans are just too small where universe is way too wide. There will be several things which are out of our control and cannot be explained.
Our nature as human make us have to eat everyday,and properly. And when it comes that people stick their finger to their throats, puking all foods which are they've just eaten then we said them having eating disorder. And I assume people are smart enough to not hate them, instead hold them, respect them, taking care of them, and telling them that is not okay so they have to back eating normally, as how human suppose to eat.
And same goes about love. Eating desire is something that we cannot choose to have when or what (and who for Love case) towards. At first, love may be just simply about two person. But if you are just not being denial, how can you come out from this world without love? Yes, Love makes your race kind preserved. God made first human as Adam and Hawa, as Man and Woman in a bond, for reason. God made you penis and vagina for reason. So this why I am not agree for those who saying that homosexuality is not a disorder. You know that the nature of human is that love happens between man, and woman. That love, cannot be separated from sex. You are made by the combination of Sperm and Ovum. By Penis met Vagina. Not from an oral or anal.
Let's say that loving anyone is a right. And everyone deserved their pursuit of happiness. But then how can you expect to be loved rightly when since beginning what you do is opposing human nature? Is it righteousness still there?
And also. Being homosexuality is a human right. We all want to be hand in hand as human. And humanity should be accepted universally, which, upholding all kind of races, ethnic, and religions. But then, you know, I personally believe and pursue all kind of rights that make me human, all kind of rights which we are deserved. But don't be a very big and too deep worshiper of human rights. Human rights should actually there when it is not harming any other person's right. Which is I believe that we are here because of God, not just suddenly *poof* and happens. (judge me conservative). And to that, so we build connection through God, the power that beyond our control, by religion (call me conservative again). Faith I have is also my right. And then I am still believing that, if, you are committed in one religion, there will be several values which is cannot be bargained even by the human rights.
So that, why we are not simply maintaining our humanity through what our religion have told us so? If you deny this, look deeper on your own religion (and I am still doing it, too) you will see that actually its value will tell you humanity. Humanity on the right track. Still in the nature path. No religions told you to harming the others.
Then again, the conclusion is: yesterday International Day Against Homophobia was quite dragged along. It should be a reminder for us that we should be act as human, who still hand in hand to be one, who still same without any differences. But then the essence of yesterday changed. Still, for me, Homosexuality is not okay. What if homosexuality come to our nearest person? Are you just by a blink accepting that without even a slight denial in your heart? I believe IF you are still human, you will. So, tell them that homosexuality is not okay. If they decline. Then okay, at least you tell. For the rest is back their own. That is your very first duty. And your last duty is? Making them as a part of you, respect them, not hating them. And for the rest, I simply believe it is God, and Universe's turn to work.
My sincerely thought.
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