
Pikiran yang mungkin masih akan melanda sampe setahun kedepan.

Hello, this is just another homey sunday with many things wait to do behind.

But I am share something that actually it's a bit unexplainable, indeed.

Last Night I did some chatting with my seniors on high school.
One of them both is already accepted in Diponogoro University for Law Faculty, and One else is already accepted in University of Indonesia for Social and Political Faculty.

Well, I do I get some benefit info from it. And they're that hilarious to talk and discuss about. They explain for some question that I dunno Who I can ask for, and still lingering on my mind.
They told me about the reasons of why they chose their major.
And I am completely agree.
I have my own desire, big desire, for studying about Social, Politics and Laws in my entire studying life.

But actually there are the problems. When you have to accept that You're a citizen, a kids, and a student of INDONESIA you have to choose (or being chosen) one kinda of major in your high education.
Neither like in USA or another great country in Asia, which is you have your own freedon to choose when you are longing to study (Because They are so many choice for appropriate education institution, there) and Indonesia have about billion students to study in maybe just a few qualified universities.
So we must fight for Passing Grade, How many people Interested in, What the most 'safe' major to choose, and How to pay for those expensive College's fees.

Wahahahaha, How's wonderous The Systematical of Education in this Country Is.

And my problem is, I just put my interesting in quite number of Major.
As I've already told that I am interested in Social thingies before.
But Have I already told you? What the heck the Major that I am happy to stuck my brain to study about?
Well, maybe you gonna judge me bad if you doesnt know me well.

First, My big obsession since I was in Junior High school is being a diplomat.
So INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIP is a kinda heaven of my whole education life.

Second, I have a dumby thought about for become an influence for the others. Hahahaha my pleasure if you want to Laugh at me OUT LOUD ;)
So, I think take the Law Faculty can be one way of my random thought.

Third, Since I joined in to Geoscience Olympiad. And because of how cool my geography teacher when I was in 10th grade is, suddenly it's THE ONLY ONE OF SCIENCE THINGS THAT I LOVE IT ABOUT!!!
I ever thought about chemical engineering and Fakultas Ilmu tekhnik perminyakan (apalah bahasa inggrisnya, gue ga kepikiran sama sekali), because Chemist look alike the most friendly subject in science!
But suddenly I realized, gue bukan tipikal orang yang demen ngehabisin berlembar-lembar kertas cuma buat mengolah angka, rumus, ketetapan sialan dan blablabla itu.
Tiba-tiba geoscience dateng kayak Spongebob dengan harpa dan sinar malaikatnya memberi Tuan Crabs ide.
I am suddenly in love with geology.
Because it needs the comparison about 50:50 buat hafalan sama hitung-hitungannya.
Me likey likey, ayey ayey!

Fouth is Social Anthroplogy.
Sejak gue nonton si Annie Wadrock di Nanny diaries, gue langsung berbinar-binar menyadari betapa kerennya yang bakal dipelajarin di antropologi social.
And it was supported for one matery that I learn in sociology, it dirrectly told how Interested Social Anthropology Social is!
Hahaha call me freak or whatevsss of it.

Fifth are The majors that My heart love it apart.
They are Pshycology and Communication things.
Maybe I shouldn't explain it well.
Most people have already know, betapa diincernya jurusan-jurusan ini.

Sixth, ini sisanya.
Jurusan yang diajukan sebagai solusi oleh orang tua gue.
Kayak Economy things, Major-major yang ada di IPB sama Kedokteran...... Errrr....
I like it, but, well... Maybe I don't know how to through it IF I get them in my hand

However they sound not good, actually.
In Indonesia you have to decide What kind of Job do you prefer in.
My friend already do it, mereka bisa konsen di satu bidang.
Sementara gue?
Errr.... Bercabang-cabang udah kayak rambut medusa.

Tapi masih ada waktu kurang dari satu tahun lagi chyn.
Gue bakal berusaha dan bertanya dengan The Only One who create me, my Lord, Allah SWT.
Dan ditambah ngomong sama mami papi. Bener kata orang, they surely want the best for me.

Berkahi jalanku, Ya Allah.

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