Pikiran yang mungkin masih akan melanda sampe setahun kedepan.
But I am share something that actually it's a bit unexplainable, indeed.
Last Night I did some chatting with my seniors on high school.
One of them both is already accepted in Diponogoro University for Law Faculty, and One else is already accepted in University of Indonesia for Social and Political Faculty.
Well, I do I get some benefit info from it. And they're that hilarious to talk and discuss about. They explain for some question that I dunno Who I can ask for, and still lingering on my mind.
They told me about the reasons of why they chose their major.
And I am completely agree.
I have my own desire, big desire, for studying about Social, Politics and Laws in my entire studying life.
But actually there are the problems. When you have to accept that You're a citizen, a kids, and a student of INDONESIA you have to choose (or being chosen) one kinda of major in your high education.
Neither like in USA or another great country in Asia, which is you have your own freedon to choose when you are longing to study (Because They are so many choice for appropriate education institution, there) and Indonesia have about billion students to study in maybe just a few qualified universities.
So we must fight for Passing Grade, How many people Interested in, What the most 'safe' major to choose, and How to pay for those expensive College's fees.
Wahahahaha, How's wonderous The Systematical of Education in this Country Is.
And my problem is, I just put my interesting in quite number of Major.
As I've already told that I am interested in Social thingies before.
But Have I already told you? What the heck the Major that I am happy to stuck my brain to study about?
Well, maybe you gonna judge me bad if you doesnt know me well.
First, My big obsession since I was in Junior High school is being a diplomat.
So INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIP is a kinda heaven of my whole education life.
Second, I have a dumby thought about for become an influence for the others. Hahahaha my pleasure if you want to Laugh at me OUT LOUD ;)
So, I think take the Law Faculty can be one way of my random thought.
Third, Since I joined in to Geoscience Olympiad. And because of how cool my geography teacher when I was in 10th grade is, suddenly it's THE ONLY ONE OF SCIENCE THINGS THAT I LOVE IT ABOUT!!!
I ever thought about chemical engineering and Fakultas Ilmu tekhnik perminyakan (apalah bahasa inggrisnya, gue ga kepikiran sama sekali), because Chemist look alike the most friendly subject in science!
But suddenly I realized, gue bukan tipikal orang yang demen ngehabisin berlembar-lembar kertas cuma buat mengolah angka, rumus, ketetapan sialan dan blablabla itu.
Tiba-tiba geoscience dateng kayak Spongebob dengan harpa dan sinar malaikatnya memberi Tuan Crabs ide.
I am suddenly in love with geology.
Because it needs the comparison about 50:50 buat hafalan sama hitung-hitungannya.
Me likey likey, ayey ayey!
Fouth is Social Anthroplogy.
Sejak gue nonton si Annie Wadrock di Nanny diaries, gue langsung berbinar-binar menyadari betapa kerennya yang bakal dipelajarin di antropologi social.
And it was supported for one matery that I learn in sociology, it dirrectly told how Interested Social Anthropology Social is!
Hahaha call me freak or whatevsss of it.
Fifth are The majors that My heart love it apart.
They are Pshycology and Communication things.
Maybe I shouldn't explain it well.
Most people have already know, betapa diincernya jurusan-jurusan ini.
Sixth, ini sisanya.
Jurusan yang diajukan sebagai solusi oleh orang tua gue.
Kayak Economy things, Major-major yang ada di IPB sama Kedokteran...... Errrr....
I like it, but, well... Maybe I don't know how to through it IF I get them in my hand
However they sound not good, actually.
In Indonesia you have to decide What kind of Job do you prefer in.
My friend already do it, mereka bisa konsen di satu bidang.
Sementara gue?
Errr.... Bercabang-cabang udah kayak rambut medusa.
Tapi masih ada waktu kurang dari satu tahun lagi chyn.
Gue bakal berusaha dan bertanya dengan The Only One who create me, my Lord, Allah SWT.
Dan ditambah ngomong sama mami papi. Bener kata orang, they surely want the best for me.
Berkahi jalanku, Ya Allah.
Emo Devil Feeling.
But what the hell am I doing?
Laying a side on my bed, do some blogging with my best-best friend, "The Red". Lol
And actually it's really really a dumb act. Why? I have so much tight activity to do tomorowzzz. Those following examinations, a kinda of some plans, and Nurul Fikri. (well, mungkin gue agak lebay ya bilang tight schedule)
So, (maybe) you asked : hey dumby, so why don't you take a rest now?
The answer is : Hey wisy, I need some sweet escapes for my Bad mood, Emo feeling.
Hahaha yeah yeah you're right. I am gonna ragging again in this update.
It's like I just want to enjoy my hapinnes my self, dont wan't to share ;P
If you don't like it, stop to continue. It's just my own way to think about something which is going random my own.
It's started suddenly, beetches. Who's the one I can blame?
For give my good feeling to bad mood, and like admitted it a wholeheartedly.
Good job, Chyntia. Good job!
I am always giving any talks to people for not being beatten by the mood.
Hah, it happens suddenly sih emang. Everything seems quite well before I took a nap this afternoon.
Quite well...
I've just felt the high of proudness, felt the satisfactory of my thought and awareness, Being given any compliments from some mates.
Until suddenly, Adzan is up in the air, and the devil said : "Hey Hey it's a really really comfy peace condition, just go! Have some rest!"
And the, Here I was... Closing my eyes ignoring the adzan
And suddenly: DANG!
The devil bad mood came.
I get up on half past five, And having lately Ashar. And tadaaaa... I was so much feeling unnecessarily bad when My sist come home.
I hate for her inappropiate act (for me, personally. When in that emo feeling)
And theeen, my mom came.
I felt emo and she felt terribly tired.
A perfect combination for drag the badmood devil to my mind.
So the conclusion is :
Including, NOW!!!
If I could tell how much I feel the vain inside, I don't know what's supposed to I do even to calm my self down.
Ya Allah beneran mau nangis ini aaaaaah :'''''(
For everything's sake, gue baru tau yang namanya doing something under pressure and being catched by the deadline.
It feels like you want to go go away, ignore the obligation that ACTUALLY you musn't get.
Ps : sorry for those brokenly english. I can't think clearly how to deal with an aproppiate write. It's just a way to ragging for those terribly hectic condition
Tidak mampu berkata-kata lagi
2 postingan saya tidak ada yang bisa diterbitkan.
Saya harus mulai mengata-ngatai ketidakberesan tekhnologi dan indosat darimana?
Last super duper Holy-Holiday
okay, first of aaaaall.
HOWDY BOOGIE-BLOOOOOOOG? uh oh uh oh catch your hand's up, catch your hand's up, Chyntia is here (blaaaah, apadah gue -____-')
oh yaa my lovalovalov blog, I am so sorry I became sooo rude on my last posting. i dunno why, it's just like I am gonna exploding and errupting at the same time. I am soooo angry at that time, and actually that anger still fully on my mind until right now. but whatever, I don't care about that anymore. Just ignore that trash thingy and gotta move on wiff my life ;)
well, gue gatau kenapa tiba-tiba gue kepengen posting, tiba-tiba tangan gue gatel aja gitu buat ngeblog. mungkin gue mau share foto-foto aja kali yaaaa at first
okay I am sooo sorry if I placed those photos wrongly, soalnya aku masih belum berpengalaman dalam ngeblog hihi sok imut lo chyn.
itu foto-foto yang gue ambil pas lagi holideh kemaren, not a long weekend holiday sih. tapi lumayan puas laah gue walau badan gue abis demam tinggi pas lagi trip itu ahaha I don't care no one and nothing can ruin my holy holiday!!! (oke, ga nyante emang gue -__-')
awalnya sebenernya badan gue sehat-sehat aja, mski rada pilek meler-meler nyebelin gimana gitu, tapi suddenly I've got a heavy fever on 3pm in bandung. gilaaaa bayangan gue udah madesu aja tuh... liburan bakal batal... lalu gue pulang ke bekasi... Ouch, fucking no way!
tapi emang dasar emak sama tante gue tukang jalan, dan gue pun ngeyel minta liburan tetep jalan gue pun di ungsikan ke dokter jam 5 subuh. blaaah abis.
gue pun istirahat dan dipakein plester kompres demam bye-bye fever sama adek sepupu tercinta gue si chika. and you know, gue ketagihan sama plester bye-bye fever jadinya........HAH who cares? zz
okay, skip about bye-bye fever thingy.
jam 1 siangnya gue paksain jalan. niat awalnya ke jogja tapi everybody have a doubt about it, mengingat demam gue yg belum turun. tapi gue maksa-maksa akhirnya mereka bilang "oke, kita liat aja ntar yaaa sesampenya dimana. yang jela kita ga bakal liburan di bandung kok"
great, liburan gue tanpa tujuan -_-'
then gue pun berangkat, semper mampir di unpad buat istirahat di kosan tante dan gue rada imbisil disana dengan berkeliaran di unpad dengan plester bye-bye fever masih nyantol dijidat gue. hahaha So what? calon kampus gue ini. hahaha amiiiin amin.
lalu gue pun jalan, mungkin karena pengaruh obat mostly gue tidur selama dijalan. bangun-bangun udah di sumedang, terus bangun-bangun lagi udah di cirebon, terus di kuningan, terus di jawa tengah. whatde?!! -,-
akhirnya gue transit disuatu tempat named Guci hot spring di daerah tegal, Jawa Tengah. karena bokap udah kecapekan banget dan atas referensi dari temen-temen nyokap yang bilng tempat itu indah banget. tapi karena kita udah malem nyampe sananya gue gabisa liat apa-apa -_____-'
terus kita check in di cottagenya, oh You guys should try to have a vacation there deeeh.
gilaaa puncak kalah abiiiiis, disana semuanya masih alami banget, cottage murah ama bagus juga, sama ga serame dan sesumpek puncak lah the most I like about that place.
nyampe cottage gue menggigil hebat, ketauan gue belum sembuh banget dan masih ngeyel.
But fortunately I have two greatest woman in my life my beloved mom and auntie, who is really nicely take care about me, malem itu gue bisa tidur dengan nyenyak dan bangun udah sehat paginya.
dan bener paginya gue bisa liat dengan jelas kalo tempat itu bener-bener menakjubkaaaaaan. gilaaaaa keren abis itu pemandangan, belum kebun-kebun strawberrynya, belum sawah-sawah sama gunung-gunungnya aaaaah orak abis gue takjub ngeliat itu semua.
but the masterpiece is... ITS WATERFALL!!! yang buat unik sih sebenernya karena itu masih alami banget, terus yang ngalir itu air panas. not cold breeze water like another waterfall. aaaaah gila langsung sembuh gue saat itu juga hahaha.
like unusual I've take some picture there, and then continue my destination to cirebon. gajadi ke jogja, ga jadi ke semarang. bener dah ga ada yang bisa mengalakan jiwa petualang nyokap dan tante gue, maen bablas, maen berhenti, maen transit, asal ganti tujuan -____-
dan gue pun nyampe cirebon, mostly disana gue isi dengan history trip sama wisata kuliner. whoo-hoo. and then gue balik lagi ke bandung abis itu
lalu liburan gue pun ditutup dengan indah dengan amazing dinner dipuncak. benar sekali kawan-kawan, saya mampir ke puncak dulu sebelum pulang kebekasi hehe jalaaaaan teruuuus.
gue pun pulang ke bekasi, dan mendengar keluh kesah temen-temen gue yang kesel di rumah aja hahaha. I am so sorry to hear that, folks ;)
well, ujung-ujungnya gue posting tentang liburan gue, padahal tadinya gue ada hasrat buat posting soal year's review and resolution hehe anytime kali yaaaa.
Okay that's all from me, thankyou blog for such as an trash to keep me throw and share eeeeeeee--verything ahaha kidding.
Alivia Chyntia Rianti :)
Bad Romance or Worst Romance?
Oke gue tau ga pantes emang maki-maki di blog. but who cares? woooy ga tahan gue wooooy hahaha sinting dah gua sintiiiing.
FYI, I've even never love you boy!!! NEVER!!!
If you want to know the happiest truth about its romance is... I am only feel that YOU'RE ADDICTIVE, I AM JUST FEEL THAT JOY OF YOUR ATTENDANCE IN MY LIFE.
it's normal thing, right? when you're just feel happy and comfy when someone around you, THAT'S IT. Yeah only it.
okay skip about that jealousy. gue mau lanjutin soal maki-maki ini. but maybe in english is the appropiate way to fload all of my thought this time.
you're the perfectly bastard.
that's it.
munafik lo. sometimes I feel so damn guilty about that innocence face, begging for forgiveness... begging but for me...
But it's just a fake angel face.
itu semua palsu.
ternyata lo menyimpan kebohongan dibelakang gue, sakit tau gak? iya SAKIIIT!!!
these are sooooo many fucking fake devil attitudes behind your angel face, banyak hal menjijikan yg gabisa dirubah dari lo. banyak.
udah cukup yaa chyn, cukup kebegoannya, bersyukur lo ga pernah nebar rasa sayang lo buat dia. it's just QUITE priceless.
masih banyak hal penting yang lo harus pikirin dan jalanin ke depannya.
life is about keep the the head held high, just ignore those meaningless rubish thingies.